Dear Reader,

A new initiative, and key example of Luxembourg’s Data-driven Innovation Strategy promoting circular economy using big data solutions, has been announced. The Product Circularity Data Sheets or PCDS initiative on product circularity data has taken a major step towards becoming an internationally recognized standard. Indeed, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has just decided to make the PCDS initiative on product circularity data, launched by the Ministry of Economy, a future ISO/NP 59040 standard. Companies from 12 European countries are currently participating in the initiative.

As a pioneer in the field of circular economy, Luxembourg has also launched a program for creative people: Circular by Design Challenge, targeted at the creative industries with the purpose to develop new ideas and design solutions, in line with the circular economy principles. During the 3-months program, creative minds are encouraged to develop new solutions to accelerate the shift from a linear to circular economy with the support of technology, manufacturing and traditional industry. The first edition just ended and the next edition is already planned in autumn.

We are also delighted to inform you that the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking inaugurated its Headquarters in Luxembourg in the presence of Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Jean Asselborn, and Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot, to support EU’s ambition of becoming a world leader in high performance computing (HPC). The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is a 1 billion Euro joint initiative between the EU and European countries to develop a World Class Supercomputing Ecosystem in Europe. Luxembourg’s choice as the HQ came naturally, considering the digital readiness of the country: it will support the EU AI applications, health research and the industry 4.0., a warranty of the EU digital sovereignty.

If you would like to learn more about Luxembourg data driven economy, and how your business could benefit from this business friendly Hub in Europe, the LTIO Abu Dhabi is here to answer all your questions.


Loïc Bertoli

Executive Director

LTIO Abu Dhabi
